Sally S. Sims

Sally Simis

Sally Sims is currently a Director of GHAFI. Sally’s flying experience began in 1982. Her Licenses and Ratings include Airline Transport Pilot; Single and Multi-Engine; Instrument Rated; Certified Flight Instructor; Remote Pilot, Small Unmanned Aircraft. Hours flown 5,600.

Sally is a member of Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, National Association of Flight Instructors, Greater Houston Area Flight Instructors, and US Flight Club.

Her volunteer interests include:

  • 1988 volunteered to assist at the first airshow held at Hull Field in Sugar Land, TX.
  • 1990’s Flew Missions for Angel Flight.
  • 1990 to present – FAA Safety Counselor/FAASTeam Lead Representative, Houston Flight Standards District Office, committed to pilot safety and education.
  • 1996 to 2006 Appointed to Sugar Land Aviation Policy Advisory Board supporting SGR airport management on aviation policies and providing public relations for the airport at municipal events.
  • 2004 and 2016 Volunteer Coordinator, Sugar Land Regional Airport during Super Bowl XXXVIII and Super Bowl LI.
  • Since 2008 participated in the City of Sugar Land Regional Airport Academy offered to citizens living in the Sugar Land area
  • 2014 FAASTeam Representative of the Year
  • 2016 City of Sugar Land Volunteer of the Year Award.
  • 2020 AOPA Airport Support Network Volunteer, Sugar Land Regional Airport
  • Assisted Boy Scouts of America troops and Eagle Scout candidates in completing Aviation Merit Badge projects.